Best of the best competition – professional competitors in IFBB Pro League. The biggest stars sharing one podium in a nomination battle in Mr. Olympia 2022 on a stage of EVL Prague Pro. Experience you can’t miss!
- Posing suits must be standard men’s swimsuit with at least ½ rear coverage.
- Suits must meet acceptable standards of taste and decency. Thongs are prohibited. Posing suits must be one color. Fringe, wording, sparkle or fluorescents is prohibited.
- Competitors must not alter the fit of the posing suit by hiking it up in the back or by pulling up the sides during Front and Rear Lat Spreads.
- The following is prohibited while onstage:
- Props
- Chewing gum
- “Moon Pose” (any competitor performing this pose will be disqualified)
- Lying on the stage.
- Bumping and shoving (the first and second person involved will be disqualified). Competitor numbers must be worn on the left side of the posing suit during the Judging and Finals.
The mandatory poses are:
- Front Double Biceps
- Front Lat Spread
- Side Chest Back
- Double Biceps
- Back Lat Spread
- Side Triceps
- Abdominals and Thighs
Judges will score competitors according to the “total package”, which is a balance of size, symmetry and muscularity.
- Competitors compete in a two-piece suit. The bottom of the suit must be v-shaped. Thongs are prohibited. Competitors can compete in an off-the-rack suit. All suits must meet acceptable standards of taste and decency.
- Competitors must wear high heels.
- Competitors may wear jewelry.
Competitor numbers must be worn on the left side of the suit bottom at all times while onstage Each competitor, in numerical order, walks onstage and performs their “Model Walk” (personal preference). The “Model Walk” is described as follows:
Walk to the center of the stage, stop and do a front stance, then a full turn and do a back stance, then turn to the front again and face the judges. Length of time allowed is 30 seconds.
The Presentation and Comparisons are scored 100% using the following criteria:
- Balance and shape
- Overall physical appearance including complexion, skin tone, poise and presentation.
- Competitors compete in Board Shorts.
- The shorts must be above the knee in length and can be 1” below the belly button.
- Competitor numbers must be worn on the left side of the shorts at all times while onstage.
- The “Moon Pose” is prohibited.
- Gymnastic moves are prohibited.
Judges will be looking for fit competitors who display proper shape and symmetry combined with muscularity and overall condition. This is not a bodybuilding contest so extreme muscularity should be marked down.
Judges are looking for the competitor with the best stage presence and poise who can successfully convey his personality to the audience.
MEN´S 212
- Posing suits must be standard men’s swimsuit with at least ½ rear coverage. Suits must meet acceptable standards of taste and decency. Thongs are prohibited.
- Posing suits must be one color. Fringe, wording, sparkle or fluorescents is prohibited.
- Competitors must not alter the fit of the posing suit by hiking it up in the back or by pulling up the sides during Front and Rear Lat Spreads.
The mandatory poses are:
- Front Double Biceps
- Front Lat Spread
- Side Chest
- Back Double Biceps
- Back Lat Spread
- Side Triceps
- Abdominals and Thighs
- During the Judging, competitors shall not wear jewelry except for a wedding band.
- Prescription eyewear (except sun glasses) is permitted.
- The following is prohibited while onstage:
- Props
- Chewing gum
- “Moon Pose” (any competitor performing this pose will be disqualified)
- Lying on the stage.
- Bumping and shoving (the first and second person involved will be disqualified)
- Competitor numbers must be worn on the left side of the posing suit during the Judging and Finals.
Judges will score competitors according to the “total package”, which is a balance of size, symmetry and muscularity.
- Since the inception of the Men’s Classic Physique division two years ago, the standard to wear was the Black Classic Physique Shorts. Over time we’ve heard you, the competitors, with suggestions and have previously followed through by both adding another height division from three to four and increasing the allowable weights for your height in both the NPC and IFBB Professional League. Probably the suggestion we’ve heard the most though is competitors wanting to compete in more traditional posing trunks that don’t cover the top of the thighs and hamstrings. Well you wanted “Classic” and now you are going to get “Classic”! Starting January 1, 2019, ALL Men’s Classic Physique competitors, both IFBB Pro and NPC, will be competing in Classic Physique Posing Trunks! Competitors are required to wear the same type of cut and all Classic Physique Posing Trunks that are worn in competition must be black and no less than 4‐1/2 Inches on the sides/hips. See the photo examples.
- Board shorts or bodybuilding posing trunks are prohibited.
- Competitors are required to wear the same type of cut and all shorts that are worn in competition must be black.
- udges will score competitors according to the “total package”, which is a balance of size, symmetry and muscularity.
The Judging is scored 100% and will consist of comparisons of the quarter turns and the following “5” mandatory poses:
- Front Double Biceps
- Side Chest
- Back Double Biceps
- Abdominal and Thighs
- Favorite Classic Pose (No most muscular)

1. What is the Wellness Division?
This division is for females with athletic physique’s that showcase more body mass in the hips, glutes and thigh areas. The upper body is developed but not to the same degree as the lower body.
2. Height Classes
a. Two classes:
- Class A – up to & including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
- Class B – over 5’ 4” (163 cm)
b. Three Classes:
- Class A – up to & including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
- Class B – over 5’ 4” (163 cm), up to & including 5’ 6” (168 cm)
- Class C – over 5’ 6” (168 cm)
c. Four Classes:
- Class A – up to & including 5’ 2” (157 cm)
- Class B – over 5’ 2” (157 cm), up to & including 5’ 4” (163 cm)
- Class C – over 5’ 4” (163 cm), up to & including 5’ 6” (168 cm)
- Class D – over 5’ 6” (168 cm)
3. Posing and Presentation
a. Front
b. Quarter Turn Right:
c. Quarter Turn Rear:
d. Quarter Turn Right:
e. Model Walk:
As it is currently performed in the Bikini Division. Listen to instructions from the Head Judge.
*As with All Other Divisions, No Lewd Acts Are Permitted and will result in automatic disqualification.
**We do not want to see the arm off to side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent upwards as seen below